Make the Best Surge Protectors even better with High Quality Options and Accessories.
SPD designs without options or accessories can make SPDs a mass-produced commodity type product. This can limit flexibility, customization and performance. It’s almost a one size fits all fix for separate protection need scenarios.
Sometimes, a one size fits all works. However, many times it's not the best protection option. Usually, it's not really a one size fits all scenario to begin with.
Each protection scenario can be different from another. Each specified SPD should accommodate those differences for best protection practices.
Surge Protectors that provide
options improve quality, performance and protection results. Quality
design features and quality options can include but are not limited to:
Options allow for customization. This allows for more attention to detail per individual equipment piece. Our SPD Customization approach doesn’t address equipment as a general group… aka... the one size fits all scenario. We address them individually. This results in a better overall protection design.
The best surge protectors and options/accessories for an individual AC panel at a facility may be:
The best surge protectors and options for a different AC panel within the same facility may not need mounting brackets. Other panels may not need Frequency Responsive Circuitry™ or external LEDs.
Again, individual equipment and system protection needs are not always the same. That is why we provided unique features and quality options for our SPDs that others don't.
Additionally, we can customize low voltage, individual circuit protection with a Pre-Packaged Assembly for multiple circuit types.
The Right Results are delivered by using the Right SPD with the Right Options with the Right Installation. Attention to details for specific equipment or system needs results in the best protection designs.
Surge suppression is not a one size fits all scenario. SPD/TVSS are not the same nor do they perform the same.
Don't be fooled.
Changes to the National Electrical Code. Surge Protection Section. Click NEC Surge Protection Updates
Quality options make the Best Surge Protectors even better. SPD options and accessories are designed for industrial, commercial and residential applications.
We can built to suit.
10-Mode, Data Line, Surge BarrierTM, Advantage® Series and options are High Quality and High Performance. Discrete All-Mode Protection, Optimal Response CircuitryTM with Multi-Stage-Hybrid Network designs create the most advanced Surge Protective Devices available. Contact us today.
Advantage® Series provide the industry's largest selection of options and leading 25 Year "No Hassle" Warranty.
Our gear is... often imitated... but rarely duplicated...
The Surge Stops HereTM
Get the Right Gear!TM
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